Friday, January 9, 2009

Where has the time gone?

It has been a long time since I have blogged on here. I
sometimes forget I have it. Actually, what brought me back was Sheila. I decided to catch up on all her blogs, that is some good reading. It's been a couple months since I last posted a blog, and if anyone out there actually read, I was trying to sort out "guy" problems I had. Well the sort out was successful. I am now in a relationship (not with the one I really, really liked, but he was a great choice for me!), although I'm not sure what it is I want. I mean, do we ever really know what we want? What I do know, is that I plan to move to San Antonio when I graduate (well, that depends on Grams' health) and Marco (my boyfriend has already asked me to move in, when I finish school that is). It's all confusing. Aside from boys...

I finished up the semester of my second level nursing program. I didnt get the grades I was hoping for, but I passed nonetheless. I have about two more weeks left of winter vacation before I start my third level (there are a total of 4). I visited my mom up in Teague, Tx for Thanksgiving and for Christmas. I came back to try and find a job, unfortunately the economy is so bad that I cant even get a job as a waitress. Yeah, that's right, I am over qualified to begin with! I should have just stayed in Teague.

Update on Grams...

They doctors were excited to find that the tumor in her lung had shrunk 85%, so they lowered her chemo dose and planned to do radiation if the tumor continued to shrink. They proceeded with the plan however, after what we had hoped to be her last chemo cycle, she had a new MRI to determine if the tumor shrunk. Results came back that it had not. So because they had lowered her chemo, they had to start her up on a new type of chemo that was stronger. Her possible side effects were stronger than before, so we were bracing for a little worse than she had with the first med. Grams got sick wtih an infection, her WBC count was low so she had to get on antibiotics. So far she is doing well, she has had one cycle of the new medication, the second is usually worse. I am now sick so I am trying to stay away so I dont get her sick.

My aunt Faith took me to Nuevo Progresso, Mexico to go get some antibiotics for a tonsil infection and what I beleive might have been pink eye or some sort of opthalmic infection. Upon returning home, I noticed my dog, Noah, was missing. I have had him for 6 and a half years, so I was in a panic. I searched the neighborhoods and alleys and no Noah. I cried my heart out and prayed for his safe return. Since he is Maltese, I figured someone might have stole him. I went to the humane society, no Noah. I couldnt sleep. It was almost midnight when I went to bed. I cried and prayed some more, I had to go outside just one more time for peace of mind. He was in his crate sleeping. I was so pissed! he wasnt there earlier. Everyone said he was probably after some dog that was in heat. Well I was in such a panic that I made a picture and posted it on myspace and sent some emails out.

here it is...

The one I sent out had some text on it like a missing doggy poster. I had a hard time uploading it, but it's the same thing. Well he is home now. Amen!

Well folks, thats all for now... It's Friday and I've got places to be!

Peace <3

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